Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bringing you up to hi-speed

Bringing you up to hi-speed
Hello my friends.
I am sorry to have started this blog with good intentions and then proceed to fail at updating it this month.
The truth is, it’s been a crazy past few weeks.
I still have no use of my right hand.
I’ve been doing the physical therapy every day.
I am still unable to move the index finger which sucks Hyena butts.
The worst part is that I am not capable of playing most musical instruments.
I have been working on my Harmonica and The Butcher has recently informed me that I can still play the “skin flute.”
Good one The Butcher.
I have spent much time on the couch watching the NBA and NHL playoffs.
I went to game three of the Bulls+Celtics, only to watch my team get stomped.
I went to game five of the BlackHawks+Flames, which had favorable results.
I drove down to White Sox Park on Monday to watch them play the Mariner’s but just as I got to my seat, it started pouring. I sat in the rain for an hour before the postponed the game.
I even went out to Romeoville, Illinois to watch my own band play a show without me.
I watched from the front of house and it was a lot of fun to be on the other side of things.
I like to think that had I never been a part of TAI, I would still dig the band and go check out the show.
It was a lot of fun.
I am planning on leaving the country in two days. I will not say where I am going.
Maybe this blog or twitter will let you know while I’m there.
I feel I need a little peace and quiet.
Some time for what they call “soul searching.”
Leaving during all the excitement in sports is rough, so you will have to keep me posted.
I love you.

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